
Getting Your Board Onboard

If you want your organisation to work at it’s full potential, you need a strong Board that truly understands their roles and responsibilities. However, getting everyone on the same page can sometimes be a difficult task, especially if you have a mix of new and long-standing trustees.

If you would like to develop effective Governance practices for your organisation or you simply want a clear understanding of what good Governance looks like, this in-house workshop is for you. In this workshop you will discover:

Common Models for Non-Profit Governance: Policeman, Partner and Pilot

  • What model does your Board currently use? Is this still the right model for your organisation?
  • If not, how can you transition from where you are, to where you want to be?

Board Roles and Responsibilities

  • What does this look like in a real sense? Who does what?

Expectations of Trustees

  • What can be reasonably expected from individual trustees?
  • What behaviours should trustees demonstrate on a consistent basis?

 Best Practice Governance

  • What are the practices that ensure Boards are working at their highest level?
  • How do you measure up?
  • What small changes can you make to create even more impact as a Board?

Succession Planning

  • How do you move-on stale or poor performing trustees?
  • How do you ensure that you always have good people lining up for a Governance role?

 What is the purpose of a Strategic Plan…really?

  • How to develop a useable Strategic Plan that doesn’t gather dust in the bottom drawer.

This workshop is a great introduction to Governance, and ensures that both new and experienced trustees all have the same understanding of what’s involved. Non-Profit Governance has changed dramatically in the last 10 years, so even if you’re an experienced Board member, you’ll find it useful to come along.

    To get the most out of the workshop your GM/CEO/person responsible for the day-to-day running of your organisation AND at least 80% of your board must attend.

    You will join up to 8 other community organisations for the workshop, with each organisation working through the activities and tasks as a team. At no stage will you be expected to share sensitive information with participants from other organisations. The workshop format enables great discussion and sharing of ideas and ways of working related to governance.

    What others say:

    “It was a great opportunity to focus as a team, prioritise and end up with some clear key takeaways to implement in our governance practice.”
    Hilary Price, Homes of Hope

    “I enjoyed being able to reflect as a Board and define the process. We identified gaps that will require some work, but in the end will raise the level of the Board.”
    Stephanie Parker, BOP SASS

    “It was good to have time to think and reflect on what we are doing outside of a Board meeting. Great process. There are some solid actions to take away and work on together.”
    Becks Watts, Merivale Community Centre

    Workshop Delivery Options:
    Tailored to suit you and your board’s needs. 

    • Full Day
    • Half Day 
    • Online Zoom

    Need help funding In-House Governance Training?
    Check out the Lottery Minister’s Discretionary Fund

    Want to know more? Fill out the form below and we will get in touch with you. 

    Getting Your Board Onboard Workshop Enquiry

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