
Languages of Appreciation

Research tells us that people who feel properly appreciated work harder and smarter, so it makes sense to build a culture of appreciation throughout your whole team. However, showing appreciation takes more than a Christmas card and a thank-you dinner. It’s about demonstrating appreciation consistently, and in a way that works for the person you want to thank.

Our 3 hour Languages of Appreciation Workshop helps your whole team identify and communicate how they best like to be appreciated.

In this session you will discover:

The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace
What do each of the languages really mean and what are the key things you need to consider when communicating in each language? Is each language the same for every person?

Your Own Language of Appreciation

Which language of appreciation do you speak and respond to most often? Which language do you struggle to recognise or share with others? What are specific things that make you feel valued?

Your Team’s Language of Appreciation

Which languages of appreciation do the rest of your team speak? What do you need to do in order to make others in your team feel appreciated? What tools can you use to help build the culture of appreciation in your workplace?

This workshop is very hands-on and provides lots of laughs and ‘aha moments’ for the whole team. The session itself is a great trigger for better connectedness, but when you put the ideas into action, you’ll be amazed by the difference it makes.

What others say:

“I have never thought about appreciation like that before, but I can see how this will make a massive difference to our team. It actually makes perfect sense when you think about it.”
Jenni Dent, Lakewood Family and Parent Support

“Love, love, love this workshop. I already feel better connected to my team. Can’t wait to put it all into play.”
Hannah Simmons, East Meets West

Want to know more? Fill out the form below and we will get in touch with you.

Languages of Appreciation Workshop

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