Last updated March 10, 2017
St Patrick’s day is a celebration of the patron saint of Ireland and generally speaking a good excuse for a bit of a party and covering everything in green leprechauns. So how about tapping into this Celtic fanfare and raising some funds? Here are a few great ideas to try:
An Irish Style Dinner Dance
A jig or ceilidh is a really fun way to spend the evening, and the pipe band with traditional dancing is bound to get people tapping their feet. Combine it with such delicacies as Irish stew, cabbage and potatoes and leprechaun shaped cookies and you are onto a winner.
A Treasure Hunt
Shamrocks or four leaf clovers are traditionally lucky, so sending people on the hunt of something guaranteed to bring them a prize at the end is a great way to make some money. Charge people to join in and hide lots of plain 3 leaf clovers around the place. The winner is the one who manages to pick out the lucky shamrock.
A Fancy Dress Day
Whether it be at school or work, charge people for the pleasure of getting dressed up in their best Irish finery and the most original costume wins a prize. If people bring pets to work, get them all greened up too, and throw in some shamrock style baking for the traditional cake sale.
Rosie Julou
Rosie is the General Manager at Exult and works behind the scenes planning, organising and making everything run smoothly. She is passionate about working in the community sector.
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